Welcome to the Pentecostals Of Pike County Online Ministry. This ministry is a daughter work of Cornerstone Apostolic Church. We are looking forward to becoming actively involved in the Pikeville community and surrounding areas with the goal of reaching the lost, the hurting, and the backslider with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Pastor & Sis. McKinney, along with the congregation of POPC would like to invite you on this journey with us. Our services are currently being held at 4754 Raccoon Road, Raccoon, Kentucky at 2pm EST and Online Only Wednesdays @ 7pm broadcast on our Facebook Page/pentecostalsofpikecounty. We look forward to growth numerically and spiritually. We will be updating this site with new and innovative links that let you access our site from your desktop, laptop, and mobile devices. We hope these will be a blessing to you.
Live Webcasts take place during our regular and special scheduled services on our Facebook Page/pentecostalsofpikecounty. You can also watch The Apostolic Voice Of Phelps TV Ministry on the following Stations:

Check your local listings for your channels. Mountain Top Media also airs their station live on www.mountain-topmedia.com. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Drop us an email and let us know how you enjoyed your visit.